Holiday Guide

Samos Island Sightseeing

Samos Island Sightseeing

Samos is a large island that has something for everyone: from large beach resorts to rustic villages, forests and interesting sightseeing. As Samos is an island with a long history, there are many sights that date from ancient times, such as the Sanctuary of Heraion and the Tunnel of Eupalinus. A very interesting sight to visit in Samos is also the Monastery of Panagia Spiliani, located above Pythagorion. Apart from swimming in fantastic beaches and strolling around villages, Samos is a great place for hiking. Many hiking paths cross the green forests in the center of the island, leading to waterfalls and secluded coves.

Castle of Lykourgos Logothetis

The Castle of Lykourgos Logothetis is a very significant structure in the history of Samos and Greece in general. A truly wonderful example of defensive architecture, the Castle was constructed in the 19th century using the remains of different archaeological monuments.

Castle of Lykourgos Logothetis

It got its name after Lykourgos Logothetis, the local leader of the Revolution against the Turks. In fact, the Castle was the headquarters of the Revolution and played a vital role in it.

This 400m long Castle is located to the south west of the port of Pythagorio. It lies on a hill which is believed to be one of the oldest acropolis on Samos, since some prehistoric items have been found there. Next to the Castle, there is a church , constructed in 1824, when the revolutionaries managed to defeat the Turks. The church is dedicated to the Transfiguration of the Christ and celebrates every year on August 6th.